Long drive, Nevada 2005

Long drive, Nevada 2005
Well, here I am, my 6X7 Pentax in my hands, staring at this old highway warrior in this 50’s petrol station, Nevada country. Thinking about climbing behind the wheel, ignition on, local radio station on and the country music is playing loud now. Vegas inbound track. Road should never end. Anyway, the idea is we're driven somewhere we could never go wrong. Unknown places. Unknown people. Starting new. Left my history in the last town’s old streets, in the last bit of bars talk. Driving with nowhere to go, a nowhere man in a nowhere land. Free of hope, free of illusions, free of prophets. The Chevrolet is wating there like a highway seeker, Promises of desert crossroads. Of unknown landscapes and unknown cross signs.
So here I am standing with my camera in my hands and the car in my frame. I asked for the 4K light to be installed so as to have kind of a backlight on the car to enhance this restless Chevrolet and left the electric wire on the ground to remember this. Called it “Long drive.”
47"x38" inches, Edition of 10,
60"x47", edition of 20,
67"x53.5", edition of 3,
79"x63", edition of 3.